Shorelight's Center for Academic Success

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Upcoming Academic & Career Webinars

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Academic & English Skills Webinars

Social Skills Webinars

Career Skills Webinars

Computer Science Skills Webinars

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Academic & English Skills Webinars

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Alicia Coe, Presenter

Boosting Academic Vocabulary in Your Writing

Professors always ask you to use academic vocabulary in your papers, but what exactly does that mean? In this webinar, you’ll explore different types of academic vocabulary and how it can be used in all your papers. 
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Bianca Coria, Presenter

How to Give an Engaging Presentation

Are you nervous about an upcoming presentation you have to give? Are you wondering what your professor is expecting? Find out some key tips and tricks to pleasing your professors and your audience!
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Alicia Coe, Presenter

How to Create Coherence and Cohesion in Your Paragraphs

If you’ve ever wondered why a text can be read easily, it’s because there’s a good use of coherence and cohesion. You can also make your writing flow. In this webinar, you’ll learn strategies to weave your ideas together and create great paragraphs.
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Alicia Coe, Presenter

How to Write a Great Thesis in 4 Simple Steps

You might be struggling to write that unavoidable thesis in your essay. Why stress when you can learn how to write a thesis in four simple steps? In this webinar, you’ll learn how to respond to your professors’ essay assignments and apply these steps to all types of essays.
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Alicia Coe, Presenter

Paraphrasing Made Easy

Have you heard about the dangers of plagiarism? Paraphrasing can help you avoid plagiarism, but sometimes it can be challenging. This webinar will walk you through the paraphrasing process and give you tips on how to make it easier.
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Summer Peixoto, Presenter

Research Hacks for Grad Studies

So you have a research paper due for Sociology class and can’t figure out where to start? You need a strategy to get moving and stay moving! Join Summer Peixoto to learn how to easily create a road map and checklist to review assignments quickly and carefully, create keyword searches, utilize databases and Google Scholar, narrow searches, and engage in skimming scanning for article selection.
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Alexa Squire, Presenter

Separating Fact from Fiction

Are you able to separate fact from fiction when choosing sources for your university assignments? Join Alexa Squire as she teaches you how to evaluate credibility, distinguish between authentic and misleading sources, and find unbiased news and sources for the all-important research you need to do throughout your university studies. 
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Jessica wakelyn, Presenter

Using AI Tools in the Classroom

Are you curious how to use AI tools like ChatGPT? Maybe you are nervous that you might get in trouble if you use them? Join Jessica Wakelyn as she introduces how to use these tools safely and effectively (and avoid plagiarism and other issues).
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Jennifer Paz, Presenter

Citations Made Easy

Do you want to avoid plagiarizing but aren’t sure how to cite sources properly? Join the Manager of CAS, Jennifer Paz, as she teaches you the basics of citation and how to deal with all the details and formatting requirements without losing your mind!

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Dr. Fatemeh Bordbarjavidi, Presenter

A Road Map for the IMRD Method of Research Writing: Session 1

In this webinar, join Dr. Fatemeh Bordbarjavidi as she explains the key components of research writing using the IMRD framework: Intro, Method, Results, Discussion [IMRD]. She’ll go beyond the basics to enhance your understanding of the research process in a series of 4 webinars. Session 1 will focus on the Introduction section (Establishing the Research Context). 
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Dr. Fatemeh Bordbarjavidi, Presenter

A Road Map for the IMRD Method of Research Writing: Session 2

In this webinar, join Dr. Fatemeh Bordbarjavidi as she explains the key components of research writing using the IMRD framework: Intro, Method, Results, Discussion [IMRD]. She’ll go beyond the basics to enhance your understanding of the research process in a series of 4 webinars. Session 2 will focus on the Methods section: Navigating the Research Process. 
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Dr. Fatemeh Bordbarjavidi, Presenter

A Road Map for the IMRD Method of Research Writing: Session 3

In this webinar, join Dr. Fatemeh Bordbarjavidi as she explains the key components of research writing using the IMRD framework: Intro, Method, Results, Discussion [IMRD]. She’ll go beyond the basics to enhance your understanding of the research process in a series of 4 webinars. Session 3 will focus on the Results section.
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Dr. Fatemeh Bordbarjavidi, Presenter

A Road Map for the IMRD Method of Research Writing: Session 4

In this webinar, join Dr. Fatemeh Bordbarjavidi as she explains the key components of research writing using the IMRD framework: Intro, Method, Results, Discussion [IMRD]. She’ll go beyond the basics to enhance your understanding of the research process in a series of 4 webinars. This final Session 4 will focus on the Discussion section and how to conclude your research academically.
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X, Presenter

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Social & Personal Skills Webinars

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Jennifer Paz, Presenter

How to Make American Friends

For Valentine's day, we can't promise you a date, but we can give you some tips on how to make American Friends while studying in the United States!
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Jessica Wakelyn, Presenter

Culture Shock & Mental Health

Feeling homesick or lonely—or worse? Join us to discover how Culture Shock can affect you and what you can do about it. We’ll also help you see signs of more serious symptoms of depression (in yourself or others), so you know how to get help in times of crisis. 
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Jessica Wakelyn, Presenter

Communicating with Professors

Are you nervous about talking to your professors? Are you afraid to write them an email? Would you like to learn how to communicate with them politely? You can!
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Bianca Coria, Presenter

Financial Matters in Your University Studies

Are you confused about how finances are handled at U.S. universities? Are you always stressed out about money? Let’s talk!
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Jessica Wakelyn, Presenter

Time Management

Do you struggle to get your work done on time? Come learn how to get more done with time left over for fun!
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Jessica Wakelyn, Presenter

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Do you ever feel like you just aren't good enough or that you don't have what it takes as a student in the U.S.? Join Jessica Wakelyn as she discusses how to overcome doubts and gain confidence in yourself,
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Dijana Trajchevska, Presenter

Managing Test Anxiety

In this webinar, join Dijana Trajchevska as she discusses strategies for coping with test anxiety. She will focus on understanding what test anxiety feels like, techniques and skills to cope with it, and how to know when to ask for help.

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Alexa Squire, Presenter

Managing Group Projects

Are you struggling to find your place in group discussions and projects? Join Alexa Squire as she shares strategies for navigating teamwork and collaborative communication in your classes.

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Career Skills Webinars

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Jessica Wakelyn, Presenter

Understanding CPT and OPT

Are you wondering if or how you can work as an international student during or after your U.S. studies? This webinar will answer all your questions and put you in touch with our career development experts! 
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Brittany Chill, Presenter

Resume & Cover Letter Artistry

Explore the artistry of crafting professional stories in your U.S. resume and cover letter at our workshop hosted by our Career Services expert, Brittany Chill.
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Dr. Torrie Kalm, Presenter

Communicating with Confidence

Would you like to know how to project yourself confidently to a potential employer or even just in your academic space? Join Dr. Torrie Kalm to learn helpful strategies for overcoming your fears and showing your best self.
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Brittany Chill, Presenter

Navigating Career Fairs and Elevating Your Internship Search

Prepare for Career Fairs by engaging in essential activities such as conducting thorough research, crafting and refining an effective elevator pitch, and selecting appropriate attire. Gain valuable insights into these crucial aspects by participating in this CAS webinar hosted by Shorelight Career expert, Brittany Chill. 
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Dr. Torrie Kalm, Presenter

Stress and Time Management

Join our career services expert, Dr. Torrie Kalm, for a transformative experience designed to empower participants with practical strategies for effective stress and time management.
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Dijana Trajchevska, Presenter

Steps to Professional Networking

Join Dijana Trajchevska for a webinar on Steps to Professional Networking that will focus on the best ways to network while applying for jobs. From identifying goals and target audiences, to preparing a pitch and materials, you will dive into the realm of building connections. A key focus will be networking steps specific to international students.
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Summer Peixoto, Presenter

LinkedIn: Build Your Brand

Are you thinking about applying for an internship soon? Does the thought of finding your dream job after you graduate stress you out? One strategy to overcome these concerns is to start developing your professional online presence now. Join Summer Peixoto to learn how to create and optimize a LinkedIn profile. 
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Summer Peixoto, Presenter

LinkedIn: Maximize Your Profile

Join Summer Peixoto for a sequel to her first LinkedIn webinar. This time, she'll show you how to optimize more advanced parts of your LinkedIn profile.

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Brittany Chill, Presenter

Introduction to the U.S. Workforce

Join Career expert Brittany Chill as she explains all you need to know as an international student looking for work in the United States and what to expect in terms of workplace culture after you are hired.
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Brittany Chill, Presenter

Ethical AI in Job Searches & Career Development

Join Career expert Brittany Chill on an exploration of how to use AI tools to help you find work, ease the challenges of applying, and continually develop yourself along your career journey.

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Computer Science Skills Webinars

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Dr. Dipen Bhuva, Presenter

Python Lesson 1: Getting Started with Python

Before you write your first code in Python, you need to get set up for success. Join Dr. Dipen Bhuva as he walks you through how to get started
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Dr. Dipen Bhuva, Presenter

Python Lesson 2: Variables & Data Types

Are you ready for Python Lesson 2? This time we’ll cover Variables and Simple Data Types, including the Scope of Variables. You will create your own program using the same logic (and your creativity).
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